您可以在手机终端APP或者访问网站huahua.solart.pro使用本服务 ,对于本服务,话画给予您一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可,您仅可为访问或使用本服务的目的而使用本服务。
4.您在使用平台服务时,应当按页面提示准确完整地提供您的信息(包括您的姓名、联系电话等),以便 或其他用户与您联系。您了解并同意,您有义务保持您提供信息的真实性及有效性。
(5)使用任何标志,包括但不限于以对此类标志的所有者的权利的玷污、削弱和损害的方式使用话画的标志,或者以违背本协议的方式为自己或向其他任何人设定或声明设定任何义务或授予任何权利或权限, 除非话画以书面方式指明,否则,您不得导出任何用户信息,并且必须在获取任何用户信息或其他话画产品/服务内容后的 24 小时内停止使用和删除它们;
(9)未经公司书面许可,任何用户、第三方不得以任何方式(包括但不限于盗链、冗余盗取、非法抓取、模拟下载、深度链接、假冒注册等)直接或间接盗取话画产品及相关服务的视频、图文等信息内容, 或以任何方式(包括但不限于隐藏或者修改域名、平台特有标识、用户名等)删除或改变相关信息内容的权利管理电子信息。
(10) 经公司书面许可后,用户、第三方对话画产品及相关服务的信息内容的分享、转发等行为,还应符合以下规范:
(2)您理解并同意,话画一直致力于为用户提供文明健康、规范有序的网络环境,您不得利用话画帐号或话画平台服务制作、复制、发布、传播干扰话画平台正常运营秩序, 违反法律法规的规定以及侵犯其他用户或第三方合法权益的内容,您不得为其他任何非法目的而使用话画服务。
(4)如因您利用话画产品/服务提供的网络服务上传、制作、传送或通过其他方式传播侵犯了第三方的合法权益(包括但不限于专利权、商标权、著作权及著作权邻接权、肖像权、隐私权、名誉权等) 而导致话画或与话画合作的其他单位面临任何投诉、举报、质询、索赔、诉讼,或者使话画或者与话画合作的其他单位因此遭受任何名誉、声誉或者财产上的损失,您应积极地采取一切可能采取的措施, 以保证话画及与话画合作的其他单位免受上述索赔、诉讼的影响。同时您对话画及与话画合作的其他单位因此遭受的直接及间接经济损失负有全部的损害赔偿责任;如相关机构判令话画对此承担责任的,话画有权向您追偿。
(7)为了促进互联网内容健康发展,您在话画平台上的全部行为应符合法律法规底线、社会主义制度底线、国家利益底线、公民合法权益底线、社会公共秩序底线、道德风尚底线、信息真实性底线。您必须为自己注册帐号下的一切行为负责,包括您所发表的任何内容以及由此产生的任何后果。您应对本服务中的内容自行加以判断,并承担因使用内容而引起的所有风险, 包括因对内容的合法性、正确性、完整性或实用性的依赖而产生的风险。话画无法且不会对因前述风险而导致的任何损失或损害承担责任。
(c)您理解并同意,本平台有权决定将本产品/服务作商业用途,包括但不限于开发、使用本产品/服务的部分服务为第三方作推广等, 但是这并不意味着本平台对第三方的产品或者服务承担任何法律责任,本平台承诺在推广过程中严格按照法律规定与本协议约定保护您的个人信息, 同时您亦可以根据系统设置选择屏蔽、拒绝接收相关推广信息。
3.话画产品/服务为提供网络服务而使用的任何软件(包括但不限于软件中所含的任何图像、照片、动画、录像、录音、音乐、文字和附加程序、随附的帮助材料)的一切权利均属于该软件的著作权人,未经该软件的著作权人许可,用户不得对该软件进行反向工程(reverse engineer)、反向编译(decompile)或反汇编(disassemble),或以其他方式发现其原始编码,以及实施任何涉嫌侵害著作权的行为。
7.您理解并同意,为持续改善本平台为您提供的各项服务,除非有相反证明,您使用话画平台服务上传、发布或传输内容即代表了您有权且同意在全世界范围内,永久性的、不可撤销的、免费的授予我方及其关联方的全部产品或服务对该内容的存储、使用、发布、复制、修改、改编、出版、翻译、据以创作衍生作品、传播、表演和展示等权利;将内容的全部或部分编入其他任何形式的作品、媒体、技术中的权利;对您的上传、发布的内容进行商业开发的权利;通过有线或无线网络向计算机终端、移动通讯终端(包括但不限于便携式通讯设备如手机和智能平板电脑等)、手持数字影音播放设备、电视接收设备 (模拟信号接收设备、数字信号接收设备、数字电视、IPTV、电视机机顶盒、视频投影仪、车载电视、互联网电视/OTT终端、智能电视等带互联网接入功能的播放设备等) 等提供信息的下载、点播、数据传输、移动视频业务(包括但不限于SMS、MMS、WAP、IVR、Streaming、手机视频等无线服务)及其相关宣传和推广等服务的权利;以及再授权给其他第三方以上述方式使用的权利。上述授权为普通授权许可。
(3)为更好地保护未成年人隐私权益,本平台特别提醒您慎重发布包含未成年人素材的内容,一经发布, 即视为您已获得权利人同意在话画产品及相关服务展示未成年人的肖像、声音等信息,且允许本平台依据本协议使用、处理该等与未成年人相关的内容。
1. 如您在使用本平台过程中有任何问题或对本协议的相关事宜有任何意见或建议,请联系平台客服【邮箱:w@solart.pro】。
Welcome to sign this "User Service Agreement" with Huahua (as defined in the Definitions clause) and use the services provided by this platform!
This platform is operated by Beijing SOLART TECH Industry Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Huahua" or "the Company" or "the Platform"). The parties to this User Service Agreement are the Company and registered users of Huahua (referred to as "Users" or "You"). This agreement is legally binding and applies to all activities you undertake on this platform.
(1) Before registering as a user of Huahua, please carefully read this agreement. You must carefully read and fully understand the content of each clause, especially the clauses that exempt or limit liability, the clauses concerning the applicable laws and dispute resolution. The clauses exempting or limiting liability will be marked in bold and underlined, and you should focus on reading them.
(2) Clicking on buttons such as "Register" and "Login" indicates your intention to register and use Huahua. By using our services, or by filling in information as prompted on the registration page, reading and agreeing to this agreement, and completing all registration procedures, you indicate that you have fully read, understood, and accepted all the contents of this agreement and the corresponding legal responsibilities. You also agree with the platform operator and become a "user" of Huahua.
(3) The content of this agreement includes the following terms and various rules that have been or may be published in the future. All rules are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the agreement itself. Huahua has the right to formulate and modify this agreement or various rules from time to time according to changes in national laws and regulations and the need to protect consumer rights. If there are any changes to this agreement or rules, all changes shall be subject to the latest content published on this platform. The revised agreement or rules shall come into effect immediately upon publication and shall have legal effect on users who register after the new agreement or rules come into effect. For users who registered before the agreement or rules come into effect, if they continue to use the various services provided by this platform after the new rules come into effect, it means that they have fully read, acknowledged, and agreed to comply with the new agreement or rules. If you refuse to accept the new agreement and rules, you must discontinue using all services provided by Huahua (including but not limited to logging in with your username and password, accessing or using services, etc.).
(4) If you have any questions about this agreement, you can consult the platform's customer service. If you do not agree to any terms of this agreement during your reading, you should immediately stop registering and log out of your platform account, and stop using the platform-related services.
(5) You should pay special attention to the fact that all content generated by Huahua's creative services is generated by artificial intelligence models. Although it has undergone continuous automatic and manual sensitive data filtering, there may still be some information that is flawed, unreasonable, or may cause discomfort. You have the obligation to carefully review the content generated by Huahua's AI creative services. If the generated images are suspected of being illegal, harmful, or violating public order and good customs, you may not retain the related images by means such as screenshots, downloads, photos, videos, screen captures, etc., nor may you send, disseminate, or commercially use them. Otherwise, you will be solely responsible for any liability arising from your use of the generated content for any illegal or inappropriate activities, and Huahua reserves the right to hold you accountable for any losses incurred as a result.
1.1 Service Content
Huahua is a comprehensive AI creation platform provided by Beijing SOLART TECHy Industry Co., Ltd. The services provided by AI creation include AI creation, AI model library, advanced functions, etc. The service content provided may gradually increase with the development of the business. You are welcome to log in to the platform to browse and use.
1.2 Service Form
You can use this service on your mobile terminal app or by visiting the website huahua.solart.pro. For this service, Huahua grants you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license, which you may only use for the purpose of accessing or using the service.
1.3 You understand and agree that Huahua has the right to supplement or modify various rules of the platform based on national laws and regulations, regulatory policies, rights rules, or business needs. Once you check the corresponding button when using Huahua's services, it means that you agree to abide by the various rules of the platform.
2.1 Account Registration
(1)Before applying for registration of a platform account, you should be aware that if you only use services related to AI creation, you must be at least 18 years old and have the capacity for civil conduct consistent with the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you do not have the aforementioned capacity for civil conduct consistent with your behavior, you can only browse and cannot engage in further activities such as purchasing membership.
(2)On the Huahua account login page, you need to fill in your mobile phone number according to the instructions on the page to obtain a verification code for login. The first login is deemed to have completed the registration of this account. After you successfully register, Huahua will give you a platform account for your use (you can set the name, login password, etc. of this account by yourself). You are responsible for keeping the account and password secure, and all actions on Huahua's account are deemed to be your own. You shall be legally responsible for all activities and events carried out under your user account.
(3)After successful registration, you can improve your profile picture, nickname, and other information, but whether to improve such information will not affect your continued ownership of this account. With the development of the business, maintenance of transaction order, and protection of user assets, Huahua may launch some services only for users who have completed identity information and/or real-name authentication. You have the right to choose whether to improve identity information and/or undergo real-name authentication or not to enjoy such services.
(4)When using platform services, you should provide accurate and complete information (including your name, contact number, etc.) according to the prompts on the page so that Huahua or other users can contact you. You understand and agree that you have an obligation to maintain the truthfulness and validity of the information you provide.
2.2 Service Usage Guidelines
2.2.1 You undertake and agree not to, directly or indirectly:
(1) Delete, conceal, or alter any patent, copyright, trademark, ownership, or other rights notices displayed on or contained in Huahua products/services.
(2) Interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of any part or function of Huahua products/services.
(3) Circumvent, attempt to circumvent, or use any claimed content protection mechanism or data metrics tool of Huahua products/services.
(4) Use any registered or unregistered goods, service marks, company logos (LOGOs), URLs, or other marks originating from Huahua in any way without prior written consent from Huahua.
(5) Use any marks, including but not limited to Huahua's marks, in a manner that tarnishes, weakens, or damages the rights of the owner of such marks, or in a manner that imposes or declares obligations or grants any rights or permissions to oneself or to any other person contrary to this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified by Huahua in writing, you may not export any user information and must stop using and delete them within 24 hours of obtaining any user information or other Huahua product/service content.
(6) Display or otherwise provide any user information to any non-original user without the prior consent of the original user.
(7) Request, collect, solicit, or otherwise obtain access to Huahua account, password, or other authentication credentials from any user.
(8) Without the prior written permission of the company, no user or third party may on its own or authorize, permit, or assist others to engage in the following activities regarding the information content of Huahua products and related services:
(a) Copy, read, or adopt the information content of Huahua products and related services for commercial purposes including but not limited to promotion, increasing readership, and page views.
(b) Edit, organize, or rearrange the information content of Huahua products and related services and display them outside the source page of Huahua products and related services.
(c) Use any form of identification method including but not limited to special marks, special codes, etc., to generate traffic, page views, redirection, hijacking, or any other adverse effects on the information content of Huahua products and related services, either by oneself or by assisting a third party.
(d) Any other acts of illegally obtaining or using the information content of Huahua products and related services.
(9) Without the written permission of the company, no user or third party may directly or indirectly steal Huahua products and related services' videos, graphics, and other information content in any way (including but not limited to hotlinking, redundant stealing, illegal grabbing, simulated downloading, deep linking, and counterfeit registration), or delete or change the rights management electronic information of the relevant information content in any way (including but not limited to hiding or modifying domain names, platform-specific identification, usernames, etc.).
(10) After obtaining written permission from the company, users and third parties must share, forward, or otherwise act on the information content of Huahua products and related services in accordance with the following norms:
(a) Do not make any changes to the source webpage of Huahua products and related services in any form, including but not limited to links on the homepage of Huahua products and related services, links to the advertising system, etc., and do not block, insert, or pop up any forms that obstruct the display of the source page of Huahua products and related services.
(b) Effective, secure, and stringent measures should be taken to prevent any form of illegal access to the information content of Huahua products and related services by third parties, including but not limited to "spider" programs, etc.
(c) Do not use the relevant data content for purposes beyond the scope of the company's written permission, conduct any form of sale and commercial use, or disclose, provide to third parties, or allow third parties to use it in any way.
(11) If a user violates any of the above guarantees, Huahua has the right to warn, block, or even cancel the qualifications according to the circumstances. If a user's violation of the above guarantees causes any complaints, reports, inquiries, claims, or lawsuits against Huahua products, services, users of Huahua products and services, or any partners of Huahua, the user shall be responsible for all legal liabilities and compensate for losses. If a relevant agency orders Huahua to bear responsibility, Huahua has the right to recover from you.
2.2.2 You undertake:
(1) You shall not use the network service system for any illegal purpose; shall not use the Huahua product network service in any form to infringe on Huahua's commercial interests, including but not limited to posting unauthorized commercial advertisements; shall not use the Huahua product service network service system to conduct any behavior that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet or mobile Internet.
(2) You shall not engage in the following activities using Huahua products/services:
(a) Unauthorized access to or use of computer information networks or resources.
(b) Unauthorized deletion, modification, or addition of functions of computer information network.
(c) Unauthorized deletion, modification, or addition of data, applications stored, processed, or transmitted in computer information networks.
(d) Deliberate creation or dissemination of destructive programs such as computer viruses.
(e) Other acts that endanger the security of computer information networks.
2.2.3 Information Content Production Guidelines
(1) The information content referred to in this Agreement means any content made, copied, published, or disseminated by you during the use of this service, including but not limited to registration information and authentication materials such as Huahua account avatars and names, content or texts, voices, images, videos, graphics, and related link pages sent, replied to, and generated by other Huahua products/platforms/services, also known as Huahua product/platform information content.
(2) You understand and agree that Huahua has always been committed to providing users with a civilized, healthy, standardized, and orderly online environment. You shall not use your Huahua account or Huahua platform services to produce, copy, publish, or disseminate content that interferes with the normal operation of the Huahua platform, violates laws and regulations, or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties. You shall not use Huahua services for any illegal purposes.
(3) You understand and agree that your behavior on this platform must comply with relevant laws, regulations, Huahua platform policies, and shall not engage in any illegal or improper activities, including but not limited to:
(a) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution.
(b) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, or undermining national unity.
(c) Harming national honor and interests.
(d) Inciting ethnic hatred or discrimination, undermining ethnic unity.
(e) Undermining the country's religious policies, spreading cults and feudal superstitions.
(f) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, undermining social stability.
(g) Spreading obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, murderous, terrifying, or inciting criminal activities;
(h) Insulting or defaming others, infringing upon the legitimate rights of others;
(i) Violating Chinese laws, regulations, rules, ordinances, and any norms with legal effect.
(4) If you use the network services provided by Huahua products/services to upload, produce, transmit, or disseminate content that infringes upon the legitimate rights of third parties (including but not limited to patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights and neighboring rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, reputation rights, etc.), resulting in any complaints, reports, inquiries, claims, lawsuits against Huahua or any other cooperating units of Huahua, or causing any loss of reputation, reputation, or property to Huahua or any other cooperating units of Huahua, you shall actively take all possible measures to ensure that Huahua and the other cooperating units of Huahua are not affected by the above-mentioned claims or lawsuits. At the same time, you shall be fully liable for any direct or indirect economic losses suffered by Huahua and the other cooperating units of Huahua. If relevant authorities determine that Huahua is liable for this, Huahua has the right to recover from you.
(5) You shall not use new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc. to produce, publish, or disseminate false information. When publishing or disseminating non-real information produced using new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc., you should clearly label it in a prominent manner.
(6) When publishing content or sharing, forwarding, or copying information content of Huahua products and related services to any third party, you shall also comply with other norms and standards established by the company for this purpose.
(7) In order to promote the healthy development of Internet content, all your actions on the Huahua platform should comply with the bottom line of laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, legitimate rights and interests of citizens, social public order, moral standards, and information authenticity. You shall be responsible for all actions under your registered account, including any content you publish and any consequences thereof. You must judge the content in this service by yourself and bear all risks arising from the use of the content, including the risks caused by relying on the legality, correctness, completeness, or practicality of the content. Huahua cannot and will not be liable for any losses or damages caused by the aforementioned risks.
2.2.3User Guidelines
(1) Any user who discovers content in Huahua that is suspected of insulting or defaming others, infringing upon the legitimate rights of others, or violating the Huahua User Service Agreement, has the right to contact this platform to file a complaint.
(2) In order to provide a high-quality creative platform for users and to ensure the healthy development of Huahua, severe measures will be taken against users who use reactionary or pornographic avatars, signatures, or publish pirated and harmful content. Once such behavior is discovered, penalties may include temporary or permanent suspension of speech, banning of IDs, and deletion of all published content, depending on the circumstances.
(3) If Huahua discovers or receives reports or complaints about users violating the terms of this agreement, Huahua has the right to delete relevant content at any time without notice, and depending on the severity of the behavior, may impose penalties on the violator's account, including but not limited to warnings, restrictions, partial or complete functional bans, account bans, or even cancellation, and publicly announce the outcome.
(4) You understand and agree that Huahua has the right to impose penalties on behaviors that violate relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement based on reasonable judgment. Huahua may take appropriate legal actions against any user who violates laws and regulations, and report relevant information to relevant authorities in accordance with laws and regulations. Users shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom independently.
(5) You understand and agree that if you violate the provisions of this agreement or related service terms, resulting in or causing any claims, demands, or losses from third parties, you shall bear the responsibility independently; Huahua has the right to seek compensation for any losses suffered as a result.
(6) You understand and agree that in order to provide you with effective services, this product/service will utilize the processor and bandwidth resources of your terminal device. The use of this product/service may incur data traffic charges, and you shall be responsible for understanding the relevant fee information from the operator and bearing the related expenses.
(7) You understand and agree that certain functions of this product/service may disclose user information to third parties, such as when publishing personal dynamics or following others, where your avatar, nickname, personal dynamic content, etc., may be known to third parties.
(8) When using a specific service of this product/service, there may be separate agreements, related business rules, etc. (collectively referred to as "separate agreements"). By using such specific services, you are deemed to accept the relevant separate agreements after reading and agreeing to them.
(9) When using this product/service, you must bear the following risks from factors beyond Huahua's control, including but not limited to:
(a) Risks of personal information loss or leakage due to irresistible factors;
(b) You must choose a product/service version compatible with the installed terminal device. Otherwise, any problems or damages caused by the mismatch between the product/service and the terminal device model shall be borne by you;
(c) Risks associated with accessing third-party websites when using this product/service, which are borne by you;
(d) Risks and responsibilities associated with the dissemination of content you publish by others;
(e) Risks such as Huahua login failure, incomplete data synchronization, slow page opening speed, etc., due to unstable wireless network signals, small wireless network bandwidth, etc.
(f) You acknowledge and understand that all content generated by the current experience service is generated by artificial intelligence models. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or functionality of the generated content, and the generated content does not represent our attitude or viewpoint. Our service is based on information accumulated from sources permitted by laws and regulations, including but not limited to the public internet, and has undergone continuous automatic and manual sensitive data filtering. However, we do not rule out the possibility of some information being flawed, unreasonable, or causing discomfort. In such cases, we welcome and appreciate your reports through the platform.
(10) Third-party Products and Services
(a) When using products or services provided by third parties in this product/service, please abide by the user agreements of the third parties. This platform does not assume any responsibility for disputes between you and third-party products or services.
(b) When users use this product/service or request Huahua to provide specific services, this product/service may call third-party systems or support users' use or access through third parties. The results of the use or access are provided by the third party (including but not limited to the content accessed through personal centers). This platform does not guarantee the security, accuracy, effectiveness, and other uncertainties of the services and content provided by third parties. Any disputes and damages arising therefrom are unrelated to this platform, and this platform does not assume any responsibility.
(c) You understand and agree that this platform has the right to use this product/service for commercial purposes, including but not limited to promoting some services of this product/service for third parties. However, this does not mean that this platform assumes any legal responsibility for third-party products or services. This platform promises to strictly protect your personal information in accordance with legal provisions and this agreement during the promotion process. At the same time, you can also choose to block or refuse to receive related promotional information according to system settings.
2.2.4Service Fees
(1) Some services provided by Huahua are offered free of charge.
(2) The creation function of Huahua operates on a consumption-based mechanism. You will use the creation function through methods such as task-based free allocation and purchasing membership for access. Specific rules for usage, billing methods, fee standards, and payment methods are subject to the information provided on the platform and relevant pages.
(3) Huahua may modify and change the rules, fee standards, and methods of paid services as needed. Prior to such modifications, changes, or the introduction of fees, Huahua will notify or announce on the respective service pages. If you do not agree to the aforementioned modifications, changes, or paid content, you should cease using the service.
3.1 Protecting user personal information is a fundamental principle of this platform, and reasonable measures will be taken to safeguard user personal information. Except as required by laws and regulations, this platform will not disclose or reveal user personal information to third parties without the user's permission. The "Privacy Policy" of this platform explains how your personal information is collected and used when you use Huahua's products and services. By using Huahua's products and services, you agree that this platform may collect and use your personal information in accordance with the "Privacy Policy". This platform adopts professional encryption storage and transmission methods to ensure the security of user personal information.
3.2 During the application process for this service, you need to provide some necessary information. Please ensure that this information is true, accurate, legal, and valid, and remember to update it in a timely manner so that this platform can provide you with timely and effective assistance or better services. According to relevant laws, regulations, and policies, please provide true identity information. If the information you provide is incomplete or inaccurate, you may not be able to use this service or may be restricted during use.
3.3 In general, you can browse and modify the information you submit at any time. However, for security and identity recognition purposes (such as during the account appeal period), you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided during registration.
3.4 This platform will use various security technologies and procedures to establish a comprehensive management system to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
3.5 Without your consent, this platform will not disclose your personal information to any company, organization, or individual outside of this platform, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
3.6 This platform attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are under the age of 18, you should obtain written consent from your parent or legal guardian before using Huahua's products/services.
3.7 You should fully respect the personal information of any individual, including but not limited to other users, that you may learn about, receive, or have access to through this service. You should not collect, copy, store, transmit, or use the personal information of other users in any way. Otherwise, you will be solely responsible for the consequences arising from it.
4.1 This platform reserves complete and indivisible ownership, intellectual property rights, and/or other legal rights to the following items, information, including but not limited to:
(1)Huahua products/services and all elements thereof, including but not limited to all content, data, technology, software, code, user interface, trademarks, logos, and any related derivative works.
(2)Any information and feedback provided by users to Huahua products/services related to the service.
4.2 Without the consent of this platform or unless explicitly agreed upon in an agreement, the above-mentioned materials may not be directly or indirectly published, broadcasted, rewritten, or redistributed for the purpose of broadcasting or publishing in any media, or used for any other commercial purposes. This platform shall not be held legally or economically liable to users or any third party for any delay, inaccuracy, error, omission, or damages arising from or related to the transmission or submission of all or part of the above-mentioned materials in any form.
4.3 All rights to any software used for providing network services by Huahua products/services (including but not limited to any images, photos, animations, videos, recordings, music, text, additional programs, and accompanying help materials contained in the software) belong to the copyright owner of the software. Without the permission of the copyright owner of the software, users are not allowed to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software, or discover its original code in any other way, or engage in any activities suspected of infringing copyrights.
4.4 The intellectual property rights of the content generated by users in using this service belong to the users themselves. Content published by users through the Huahua platform (hereinafter referred to as "publicly released content") is disseminated to the public once it is published after manual review.
4.5 You understand and agree that any act of sharing, forwarding, or copying information content from the Huahua platform to any third party should comply with the standards and specifications set by the Huahua platform, including but not limited to ensuring that the display method is the original link of the information or content, and ensuring that the functions associated with the information or content can be used normally.
4.6 Any unauthorized acquisition of information without the written consent of this platform and the rights holder constitutes illegal infringement. You confirm and agree that, in order to timely and effectively protect your legitimate rights and interests based on this service, you specifically authorize this platform, in its own name or through professional third-party organizations, to take legal actions against third parties suspected of infringement when your legitimate rights and interests (including but not limited to information network dissemination rights, copyright, etc.) may be infringed upon and further jeopardize the platform's interests. Specifically authorized methods of safeguarding rights include but are not limited to infringement monitoring, sending warning letters, administrative reporting, initiating litigation, applying for arbitration, transferring to investigative agencies for handling, mediation, and settlement. You only authorize the aforementioned events related to your own rights, and please note that your authorization to this platform does not imply the existence of any benefit-sharing mechanism between you and this platform; nor does it imply that this platform has the obligation to claim your rights to the outside world. This platform also has the right to choose to entrust you to handle matters related only to your own interests.
4.7 You understand and agree that, for the continuous improvement of various services provided by this platform to you, unless proven otherwise, your upload, publication, or transmission of content using the Huahua platform services represents that you have the right and consent to grant our affiliates worldwide, permanently, irrevocably, and free of charge, the rights to store, use, publish, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translate, use to create derivative works, distribute, perform, and display such content. The rights include but are not limited to incorporating all or part of the content into other forms of works, media, and technologies; the right to commercialize the content you upload and publish through the Huahua platform; the right to provide information downloading, on-demand, data transmission, mobile video services (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, WAP, IVR, Streaming, mobile video, etc.), and related promotion and advertising services through wired or wireless networks to computer terminals, mobile communication terminals (including but not limited to portable communication devices such as mobile phones and smart tablets), handheld digital audio and video playback devices, television receiving devices (analog signal receiving devices, digital signal receiving devices, digital TV, IPTV, TV set-top boxes, video projectors, car TVs, Internet TVs/OTT terminals, smart TVs, etc.) and so on. It also includes the right to further authorize third parties to use the aforementioned methods. The above authorization is a general licensing agreement.
4.8 The intellectual property rights of the content included in this service are protected by law. Without the written permission of this platform, users, or relevant rights holders, no one may use or create related derivative works in any form.
5.1 Due to the nature of online services, users agree that Huahua products/services may change, interrupt, or terminate all or part of the online services at any time. If the changed, interrupted, or terminated online services are free online services, Huahua is not obligated to notify users or assume any responsibility to any user or any third party.
5.2 You understand that regular or irregular maintenance or repairs may be necessary for the platform or related equipment that provides network services for Huahua products/services. If the charging network services are interrupted for a reasonable period of time due to such situations, Huahua products/services are not liable for this, but Huahua should endeavor to provide prior notice whenever possible.
5.3 Huahua products/services may change this service or delete part of its functionality at any time for any reason. Huahua products/services may cancel or terminate services to users at any time. The decision to cancel or terminate the service by Huahua products/services does not require reasons or notification to users. Once the service is canceled, the user's right to use this service is terminated immediately. Once this service is canceled or terminated, any information stored by users in this service may not be recoverable.
5.4 Huahua products/services do not guarantee (including but not limited to):
(1)That this service meets the user's usage requirements;
(2)That this service is uninterrupted, timely, secure, reliable, or error-free, and that any products, services, or other materials obtained by users through this service meet the user's expectations;
(3)That the risk of using any information obtained through this service is borne by the user; if such use leads to damage to your computer system or loss of data, you should bear full responsibility.
5.5 For any direct or indirect losses, including but not limited to loss of profits, business reputation, data loss, or other tangible or intangible losses caused by the following reasons, this platform is not liable for any compensation:
(1)Use or inability to use this service;
(2)Any products, materials, or services purchased or obtained through this service;
(3)Unauthorized use or modification of your data; and other matters related to this service.
5.6 Disputes or losses caused by your authorization of third parties (including third-party applications) to access/use this service shall be borne by you.
5.7 This platform will provide you with corresponding services based on the service type you choose. You understand and agree that based on factors such as user experience, operational security of the Huahua platform, platform rules, and healthy development, this platform has the right to select service providers or cooperate with them, and has the right to decide on the objects and scope of functions opened, data interfaces, and related data disclosure, and has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services to users who have the following situations, including but not limited to:
(1)Violating laws and regulations or provisions of this agreement;
(2)Affecting user experience;
(3)Having security risks;
(4)Violating the operating principles of the Huahua platform or failing to meet other management requirements of this platform.
5.8 You understand and agree that Huahua may impose certain restrictions on user registration, transaction functions, or other functions on the platform due to changes in national laws and regulations and the policies of third-party payment institutions. You explicitly agree and acknowledge that Huahua shall not be liable for any losses caused by your inability to use related functions of Huahua due to the aforementioned changes.
5.9 You should be aware that the content posted on the platform may come from other third parties and may have risks and defects. Huahua will establish corresponding monitoring systems to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content on the platform as much as possible. However, due to the complexity of internet information and the difficulty of verification, Huahua may not be able to verify all information comprehensively and through multiple channels. Therefore, Huahua does not make any promises or guarantees regarding the accuracy and reliability of content originating from third parties. When choosing services and conducting transactions, you need to be vigilant against risks and make careful choices. You should not demand compensation from Huahua or hold it jointly liable for this.
5.10 Customer service personnel on the platform are not dispute resolution professionals. Dispute handling is based on the materials submitted by the disputing parties and the information recorded on the platform, etc., judged based on the common understanding of the general public, and Huahua objectively cannot thoroughly investigate all communication information between the disputing parties. Unless intentional or gross negligence, Huahua shall not be liable for compensation for the dispute resolution actions taken by customer service personnel. However, above the platform's dispute resolution mechanism, you still have judicial relief avenues.
6.1 This product/service may utilize third-party software or technology (including open-source code and public domain code, etc.), and such usage has been duly authorized.
6.2 If this product/service utilizes third-party software or technology, this platform will display relevant agreements or other documents in accordance with relevant regulations or agreements. These agreements or documents may be presented in various forms, such as "Software Usage License Agreement," "Authorization Agreement," "Open Source Code License," or other forms, and may be provided as attachments to this agreement, packaged in specific folders within the software installation package, or through pages dedicated to open-source software. The aforementioned agreements, other documents, and web pages displayed in various forms are integral parts of this agreement and have the same legal effect as this agreement. You are obligated to comply with these requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in litigation, fines, or other sanctions by the third party or government agencies, and the platform may be required to assist. You shall bear legal responsibility for your actions.
6.3 Any disputes arising from the use of third-party software or technology by this product/service shall be the responsibility of the third party to resolve, and this platform shall not assume any liability. This platform does not provide customer support for third-party software or technology. If you require support, please contact the third party.
7.1 Breach Circumstances
(1)When accessing or using the services of this platform, the following circumstances shall be deemed as your breach:
(a) Violation of laws and regulations;
(b) Violation of all platform user service terms and rules, including this agreement and supplementary agreements.
(2)During the use of HuaHua, if users discover any facts that may infringe upon their rights or the rights of HuaHua, they should promptly notify HuaHua and provide corresponding evidence. Users shall bear legal responsibility for any false complaints causing losses to HuaHua or third parties.
(3)When investigating relevant dispute facts, you are obligated to reasonably explain and provide evidence to HuaHua regarding the relevant facts. If you fail to provide a reasonable explanation, evidence, or take any effective remedial measures (if necessary), HuaHua may deem you in breach based on your passive response and take corresponding remedial measures.
7.2 Measures for Breach or Infringement
(1)If the information you publish on the HuaHua platform constitutes a breach or infringement, HuaHua may immediately delete or block the relevant information according to the corresponding rules.
(2)If your actions on the HuaHua platform, or actions that, though not implemented, affect the HuaHua platform and its users, constitute a breach or infringement, HuaHua may require you to rectify the violations or breaches within a specified period, close relevant transaction orders, block or restrict your use of certain platform functions, block or delete infringing content, suspend part or all of the services provided to you, and take other reasonable measures. If your behavior constitutes a fundamental breach, HuaHua may terminate this agreement and related agreements, and cease providing services to you.
(3)In cases where your breach or infringement involves specific circumstances such as fraud, counterfeiting, account theft, or money laundering, or where you pose a risk to the security of transactions or account security of others, HuaHua may instruct third-party payment companies to take mandatory measures such as canceling receipts or freezing funds in your corresponding account, depending on the degree of risk.
(4)HuaHua may publicly announce information about the handling measures for your aforementioned breach or infringement, as well as other illegal information confirmed by legal documents issued by national administrative or judicial authorities.
7.3 Compensation Liability
(1)If your actions cause losses to HuaHua and/or its affiliates, or third-party payment companies (including direct economic losses, loss of goodwill, compensation, settlement payments, legal fees, litigation costs, and other indirect economic losses), you shall compensate HuaHua and/or its affiliates, or third-party payment companies for all such losses.
(2)The compensation for losses referred to in this agreement includes both direct economic losses and indirect losses, including but not limited to compensation/settlement payments, loss of goodwill, expected profits, travel expenses, printing costs, accommodation and dining expenses, communication expenses, notarization fees, announcement fees, property preservation fees, legal fees, case acceptance fees, taxes, etc., incurred by HuaHua as a result.
(3)If your uploaded copyrighted works have copyright defects or infringements, resulting in losses to third parties, or if you fail to fulfill mediation decisions, and HuaHua and/or its affiliates act in the public interest or for the protection of consumer rights, third-party payment companies may be instructed to deduct the corresponding amount from your third-party payment account for payment. You agree that HuaHua may instruct third-party payment companies to deduct the corresponding amount from your third-party payment account for payment of the aforementioned compensation. If your third-party payment balance is insufficient to pay the corresponding amount, causing HuaHua to use its own funds to pay the aforementioned amount on your behalf, you shall reimburse the relevant costs and compensate HuaHua for all losses incurred thereby.
(4)You agree and acknowledge that, unless otherwise required by mandatory provisions of the law, even if not specified in this agreement, the maximum cumulative amount of compensation or indemnification you may claim from the platform operator shall be limited to RMB 5,000.
8.1 If you are an individual under the age of 18, you must carefully read and agree to this agreement under the supervision and guidance of your guardian and with their consent before you can use the HuaHua products and related services.
8.2 HuaHua attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. When minors provide personal information, they should enhance their awareness of personal protection, exercise caution, and use HuaHua products and related services correctly under the guidance and consent of their guardians.
8.3 Minors and their guardians understand and acknowledge that if minors violate laws and regulations or the content of this agreement, both the minor and their guardian shall bear all legal responsibilities that may arise in accordance with the law.
8.4 Special Tips for Minor Users:
(1) Minors using HuaHua products and related services should learn to use the internet correctly under the supervision and guidance of their guardians, avoiding excessive immersion in the virtual online space and developing good internet habits within a reasonable scope.
(2) Adolescent users must comply with the "National Convention on Network Civilization for Adolescents":
(a) Be good at online learning and avoid browsing inappropriate content;
(b) Communicate honestly and friendly, and refrain from insulting or defrauding others;
(c) Enhance self-protection awareness and avoid meeting online acquaintances casually;
(d) Safeguard network security and refrain from disrupting network order;
(e) Promote physical and mental health and avoid indulging in virtual time and space.
(3) To better protect the privacy rights and interests of minors, this platform reminds you to carefully consider publishing content containing materials of minors. Once published, it is deemed that you have obtained the consent of the rights holder to display the portrait, voice, and other information of minors on HuaHua products and related services, and allow this platform to use and process such content related to minors in accordance with this agreement.
8.5 Special Tips for Guardians:
(1) If your ward uses HuaHua products and related services, as a guardian, you should guide and supervise their registration and use. If your ward applies for a HuaHua account, this platform will assume that they have obtained your consent.
(2) Your ward may use functions such as recharging points when using HuaHua products and related services. As a guardian, please keep your payment devices, payment accounts, and payment passwords safe to prevent your ward from using recharging and other functions through your HuaHua account without your consent.
9.1 The signing and execution of this agreement (including its effectiveness, performance, interpretation, revision, supplementation, termination, and dispute resolution) shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (Mainland); in the absence of relevant legal provisions, reference shall be made to commercial practices and/or industry customs.
9.2 If any provision of this agreement is terminated or deemed terminated, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
9.3 Unless otherwise stated in writing by HuaHua, any action taken by HuaHua under any circumstances shall not be construed as a waiver of rights.
9.4 Any disputes arising from the performance of this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between you and HuaHua. If negotiation fails, the dispute may be brought to the people's court in the jurisdiction where Beijing SOLART TECH Industry Co., Ltd. is located.
10.1 If you have any questions while using this platform or any opinions or suggestions regarding this agreement, please contact the platform's customer service at [Email: w@solart.pro].
10.2 The company's mailing address is:
Address: 1st Floor, Building 16, Courtyard 7, Anning Street, Shunyi District, Beijing.